Michael Stephens Inner Peace Revolution About The
Inner Peace Revolution™

In 2005 Michael Stephens took a break from his life as a businessman to develop the ultimate ways to heal and help humanity. His goal was to discover the true secrets of life and healing.

In 2006 he was able to make the one discovery that ties it all together, and he came up with the exact method for everyone to have inner peace (Inner Peace in Seconds). After really working with his discoveries, he learned that he was not only having a positive effect on those around him but an effect on anything he contemplated. He started using this new ability to change and alter wars, businesses, world events, society’s concerns, society’s beliefs, and people’s lives.

Since his original goal was to help humanity, he got very excited and contacted those who he thought would be most interested in his discoveries. After two years of reaching out, he got no significant interest and finally gave up and decided to keep it quiet.

Shortly after he had given up, an idea came to him: The Inner Peace Revolution™.

The Inner Peace Revolution™ was his way of changing the world. The Inner Peace Revolution™ depended on no one other than Him. He picked something he wanted to change in the world, used his process, and then watched the change happen. He didn’t wait for permission or for other people to believe it is possible, he just created the change he wanted to see.

He calls the changes he makes “Inner Peace Revolutions

His ability to change and alter what he contemplates and thinks about come as a result of him making total peace with himself and working with the resulting awareness. He says “We’ve reached the point in time where inner peace and total human empowerment are no longer a mystery. Every person on the planet can have inner peace, freedom, happiness, and live in their full personal power.”

For the first time in history we have the ability to change the world with nothing more than our own individual power. There is no longer a need for protests, wars, and physical revolution.

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Other Michael Stephens Projects: Bending Reality TV™ - Intuitive Business Consulting

Copyright © 2009-2024 Michael Stephens. All Rights Reserved. Inner Peace Revolution ™ trademark Michael Stephens.